среда, 31 августа 2011 г.

В Подмосковье отец застрелил убийцу своего сына прямо возле суда

После очередного заседания преступника отпустили под подписку о невыезде, что привело к трагической развязке.

В подмосковном городе Орехо-Зуева разыгралась настоящая драма: прямо возле здания суда отчаявшийся добиться справедливости мужчина застрелил из охотничьего ружья убийцу собственного сына, отпущенного под подписку о невыезде.

Дело об убийстве молодого человека, совершенном в 2009 году, рассматривалось в суде Орехова-Зуева. Во вторник в ходе очередного судебного заседания в отношении 29-летнего подсудимого Самвела Агомедова была избрана мера пресечения в виде подписки о невыезде. Потерпевший на процессе и отец жертвы 54-летний Валид Алиев вместе с прокурором заявил о несогласии с таким решением.

Около 16:30, когда обвиняемый выходил из здания городского суда на Центральном бульваре Орехово-Зуева, Алиев выстрелил в него из обреза охотничьего ружья не менее трех раз. От ранения в голову Агомедов скончался на месте. После этого Валид Алиев положил ружье на землю и сдался, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.

Как рассказали в Главном следственном управлении СКР по Московской области, сейчас подозреваемый задержан, с ним проводят неотложные следственные действия, которые направлены на установление всех обстоятельств происшествия. По факту инцидента было возбуждено уголовное дело по статье "Убийство".

Как пояснил сам Алиев, его поступок был вызван страхом, что убийца вновь уйдет от правосудия: в 2009 году суд уже однажды отпускал Агамедова на свободу.

В среду отца-мстителя доставят в Орехово-Зуевский суд, там будет решаться вопрос о его аресте. Правоохранительные органы готовятся к данной процедуре с особой предосторожностью, поскольку появилась информация, что родные убитого Самвела Агомедова пообещали в свою очередь также расправиться с убийцей своего родственника.

вторник, 30 августа 2011 г.

Israel has sent warships to the border with Egypt

Israel's Defense Ministry said that the IDF sends two ships in the Red Sea to patrol the maritime border with Egypt.

The decision was taken in connection with the prevention of impending terrorist attacks on southern Israel.

Earlier this week, Israeli forces deployed additional troops near the Egyptian border in the context of military intelligence information about imminent attacks.

On Tuesday, Minister for the rear service Matan Vilnai declared that "in the hands of the security services have information on the preparation of terrorist group of terrorists from the Sinai, the number more than ten people."

"The Security Service is working to prevent attacks," - he added.

According to him, the group "Islamic Jihad" has long been trying to commit terrorist acts on the part of the Sinai Peninsula.

However, as reported by daily newspaper "Al-Masri al-Yum," the Egyptian army carries out a major operation Tuesday against the militants, "Islamic Jihad" in the Sinai.

The operation, involving about 1,500 soldiers, held on the occasion of the completion of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

According to the newspaper, the Egyptian security forces have also increased combat readiness in the country, fearing the outbreak of violence.

Major raids conducted in the border cities of Rafah, El-Arish and Sheikh Zevid, with the assistance of leaders of the local Bedouin tribes, who are trying to convince the activists of the "Islamic Jihad" to renounce violence.

понедельник, 29 августа 2011 г.

Number of victims of the explosion in Baghdad has risen to 28 people

The explosion of the largest in the Iraqi capital on Sunday, Sunni mosques were killed, according to updated figures, 28 people. Also injured dozens of people.

An explosion on Sunday, after evening prayers performed bomber. While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Among the dead - Iraqi MP Khalid al-Fagdavi.

Earlier, a UN spokesman in Baghdad said Ad Melkert, he doubted that the Iraqi security forces can keep the situation in the country under control after withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country, scheduled for the end of the year.

воскресенье, 28 августа 2011 г.

NATO aircraft destroyed one day in Libya, four rocket launchers

NATO aircraft carried out 123 a day flight, including 42 combat, destroying four rocket launchers, one tank and three air defense radar and other weapons, military equipment and facilities troops Gaddafi, said on Saturday, the press service of the alliance.

Leadership campaign in Libya, March 31 is completely transferred to the representatives of the NATO command.

As stated by the NATO leadership, the goal of "Operation Joint protector" - ensuring the arms embargo, no-fly zone and action to protect the civilian population.

The mandate of the operation was due to expire on June 27, June 1 but extended the NATO operation in 90 days - until the end of September, reports RIA "Novosti".

суббота, 27 августа 2011 г.

The hospital Muammar Gaddafi have found more than 200 corpses

In Tripoli, the hospital district of Abu Silim discovered 200 corpses, including women and children, reports "Bi-bi-si."

The doctors left the hospital after the fierce battle for the Libyan capital. Among the seriously wounded were abandoned sick civilians, the military and African mercenaries. Surviving patients the hospital reported that they had to lie for almost a week without any help, surrounded by a set of rotting corpses.

It is known that the hospital was under the control of the faithful to Colonel Qaddafi's troops and 25 August was recaptured by the rebel forces.

The rebels and the forces of Muammar Gaddafi did not stop to exchange accusations of bloodshed, but have not been able to establish exactly how and to blame for hospital patients died in Abu Silim.

Meanwhile, rebel forces have faced stubborn resistance from supporters of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi on approach to his hometown of Colonel Sirte. Earlier, British launched a missile attack on the bunker in Sirte, Colonel.

Currently, Western countries are considering unfreezing of Gaddafi and the transfer of leadership of the Transitional National Council (PNC). In particular, the intention to give the rebels access to 12 billion pounds of UK government has announced. Freezing of funds Gaddafi in Western banks was part of the sanctions imposed against the Libyan leadership the UN Security Council.

пятница, 26 августа 2011 г.

South Africa agrees to release Libyan assets, but does not recognize the PNS

South Africa announced today that it has agreed to release Libyan assets, but does not recognize the rebel Transitional National Council as the government of Libya.

South Africa changed its position, guided by the "concern the humanitarian situation in Libya, caused by the ongoing civil war and the NATO military campaign," said a Foreign Ministry statement released here in South Africa. "We are fully aware of the humanitarian needs of the Libyans and the urgent need to alleviate their suffering" - the document says.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that South Africa agreed to release Libyan assets does not imply recognition PNS. Pretoria withdrew its objection to the resolution only after the U.S. removed from it any mention of the PNS. UN also does not recognize the PNS. "South Africa supports the position of the African Union, speaking for a comprehensive peaceful political solution Libyan crisis and rejects any pretensions regime change" - said the Foreign Ministry. Today in Addis Ababa is going to Peace and Security Council speaker to make a decision on the situation in Libya.

Recall, last night the UN Security Council adopted a decision on unfreezing $ 1.5 billion of assets in U.S. banks Libya. It is about the cost of these programs the UN, electricity bills, medical services, education and food prices.

четверг, 25 августа 2011 г.

North Korea provided Iran a dangerous computer program

As it became known S? Ddeutsche Zeitung from sources in Western intelligence, North Korea early this year, the Ministry of Defense has provided a computer program of Iran, with which the Islamic Republic will master the "important know-how to build nuclear weapons."

We are talking about software for simulating neutron fluxes called Monte Carlo N-Particle Extended, abbreviated MCNPX 2.6.0. It can be used in civilian nuclear projects and the development of warheads. A program has been in the U.S. nuclear laboratory at Los Alamos, is used in a number of western universities and research institutes. It is known that there are severe restrictions on its exports, and how she came to North Korea is unknown, reports InoPressa.

It is assumed that the transaction took place within the framework of an extensive program of cooperation that has already cost Iran more than $ 100 million and, in the unanimous opinion of experts, transfer of software is not restricted. "North Korea has many years of selling military technology, especially missiles, for hard currency to countries like Iran - the newspaper writes. - According to the CIA, the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Service, the country also helped Syria build a secret atomic to the editor to produce plutonium, which 2007 bombed the Israeli Air Force. "

MCNPX 2.6.0 allows you to calculate whether it is possible in this system self-sustaining chain reaction. Consequently, with the help of Iran can "with high probability determine whether an atomic bomb would explode if operation of all mechanical components." According to reports, dozens of North Korean experts in mid-February, visited Iran, where for three months at a secret facility trained Iranians use the program. They also presented them with a database with its own work to ensure the accuracy of the calculations. Part of the profits derived from the transaction allegedly took scientists to Pyongyang in cash.

"European intelligence agencies, like the U.S., based on the fact that at present Iran has no active program to develop nuclear weapons. Among the experts and intelligence personnel prevailing view that the Iranian leadership has not taken appropriate political decision, within the regime, obviously, there are different views on this issue. However, the Government at least is trying to create all sorts of conditions so that in case of emergency, could in the short term to create a nuclear weapon "- the article says.

According to Olli Heinonen, a former IAEA inspector, is now dealing with the problem of nuclear proliferation at Harvard, co-operation with North Korea to Iran will be useful, despiteabout what North Korea relies on plutonium, and Iran is working with uranium. In addition to cooperation in the nuclear field, Iran and North Korea are working closely to create ballistic missiles, "With them it would be logical to talk about what to put at the head of the missile, and interact in this respect too," - says Heinonen. For him "it is clear that any Iranian Manhattan Project is not", but it is also clear that the Iranians "want to improve their know-how", so cooperation with North Korea for their "absolutely sensible" to whatever degree was not in their nuclear program.

среда, 24 августа 2011 г.

The court dismissed the case, Strauss-Kahn. The former head of the IMF can leave the U.S.

With the former head of the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Tuesday acquitted of charges of sexually assaulting her maid to the New York Hotel Sofitel Nafisatu Diallo. Such a decision the judge made, questioning the veracity of the testimony of 32-year old native of Guinea, to the police with a complaint about a high-ranking guest, who allegedly tried to rape her, reports "Interfax".

Thus, the case of ex-heads of the IMF is closed, and he may leave the territory of the United States, local media reported. A few minutes before the announcement of the decision to drop charges on Strauss-Kahn at the trial the presiding judge, Michael Obus rejected a request by Kenneth Thompson, a lawyer's maid, who demanded "a special prosecutor" for a new investigation into the matter, according to ITAR-TASS.

On the eve of the prosecutor's office in New York district of Manhattan after a meeting with the maid has filed a motion in court to drop charges against Strauss-Kahn. Prosecutors acknowledged that the former head of the IMF and the maid, the hotel was a sexual relationship without the consent of the parties, but women lie during testimony, according to prosecutors, does not allow this course of high-profile case.

According to the district attorney's office in Manhattan, a DNA test "has found that a few spots on the upper part of the maid uniforms contain seminal fluid, which coincided with the DNA of the defendant." However, it turned out, the maid is not only lied during questioning in the case, but U.S. authorities had previously reported incorrect information when asked to be granted asylum in the United States.

In turn, the maid's lawyer, Kenneth Thompson said that the request of prosecutors to drop charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn speaks about their reluctance to seek justice for the "rape victim."

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested May 14 in New York on the application of 32-year-old maid Hotel Sofitel, ask the police to complain about sexual assault by a high-ranking guest. A few days after his arrest he spent in prison, then the Supreme Court of New York agreed to release him on bail of $ 1 million and put under house arrest.

The case against Mr. Strauss-Kahn was under threat of closure as early as July. Nevertheless, lawyers maid, admitting that she "made mistakes in the past", continued to insist that there is evidence against Mr. Strauss-Kahn, and he really tried to rape a woman.

вторник, 23 августа 2011 г.

Libyan insurgents detained another son Gaddafi

Libyan insurgents detained another son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - Saadi al-Gaddafi. It was reported today by representatives of the National Transitional Council of Libya, reports Reuters referring to the Arab media.

Earlier it was reported that Gaddafi has two sons - Seif al-Islam and Muhammad - detained as well and are in the hands of the opposition. Libyan rebels said they want to judge the first of them in The Hague and in Libya.

Until now, the Libyan leader Gaddafi location remains a mystery. Private media have suggested that Colonel may be in Malta or try to get to the island in case of capture Tripoli opposition. In response to the Maltese authorities stated that the arrest will be issued and the Libyan leader, the International Tribunal in The Hague, if that declared in the island nation. The same fate awaits other officials who support the Tripoli regime.

Last night opposition groups included in the Libyan capital. There have been reports that in heavy fighting. The resistance forces of the opposition had a government tank formations.

понедельник, 22 августа 2011 г.

Zaporozhye authorities accused in the dismantling of the monument to the victims of Holodomor

The memorial sign "To the victims of Holodomor and Stalinism", which is located in Zaporozhye, almost completely dismantled the utility of "Titan". This was reported in the Public Initiative "Upgrading the country"

In the organization say that the authorities explain their actions so that the building is in poor condition.

In response to the representatives of the Public Initiative "Upgrading the country," ZOGMO "Sky" and the initiative "National Memory" Zaporizhzhya City Council executive committee sent a letter in which he stressed that the total cost of repairing the monument is 49.4 ths. But the source of funding is still unknown, so is the fate of the monument is uncertain.

At the same time, the "renewal of the country," I doubt that we are talking about reconstruction, rather than dismantling the monument.

"What is happening with the monument" To the victims of Holodomor, "can hardly be called reconstruction. In fact, it's removal, because the city authorities clearly said that the reconstruction will begin only after there is a funding source. It's a shame for our regional center," - said the coordinator OI "Update of the country" in Kiev, Dmitry Kharkov.

He also said that in the near future public initiative "Upgrade of the country" and "National Memory" are planning to launch a campaign to raise the money needed for repairs.

In the organization are reminded that in accordance with Art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine about the Holodomor of 1932-1933 state governments and local authorities in accordance with its powers must: participate in shaping and implementing government policy in restoring and preserving the national memory of the Ukrainian people and to promote the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness and culture, the dissemination of information about the Holodomor 1932-1933 in Ukraine among the citizens of Ukraine and the world community to ensure learning of the tragedy of the Holodomor in Ukrainian educational institutions, take measures to perpetuate the memory of the victims and the victims of Holodomor 1932-1933 in Ukraine, including construction in the settlements and the establishment of memorial memorials to the victims of Holodomor.

воскресенье, 21 августа 2011 г.

Britain to deport all foreign-brawlers

Foreigners detained for involvement in riots in the cities of Great Britain in early August, should be deported "as soon as possible." This was stated by Minister for Immigration Damian Green of the country.

According to the Border Service of the UK, about 150 people from 2.8 thousand arrested during the riots are foreign nationals.

Immigration regulations of the country, criminals who are not EU citizens may be subject to immediate deportation, if will be sentenced to 12 months in prison.

суббота, 20 августа 2011 г.

Basketball United States and China came to blows during a friendly match

Team at Georgetown University in Beijing met with the local team, "Rockets Bayi" to hold a friendly match and demonstrate a commitment of two great countries to cooperation and peace. And among basketball players broke this feud.

In the fight for the ball, two Chinese were on the floor, the guys got up and decided to avenge the American, who they allegedly pushed. Mild tremors grew into real fights with no rules. In the heat of battle so enthusiastic about basketball players that have hit each other even feet. To help in the area also jumped replacement players and staff. In the course went and aluminum chairs on which they sat.

Game, of course, had to stop. American coach his team off the field for nine and a half minutes before it ended. When the basketball players left the ground, after they were flying bottles of water and even a few chairs.

Note that, as at this time, a visit to China is the Vice-President Joe Biden, who attended the friendly match.

пятница, 19 августа 2011 г.

Unnoticed Revolution Money

The global economic crisis that began in 2007, actually rose of August 1971, was canceled when the gold standard. And this is the first serious crisis ...

... A new era - the era of monetary systems based on trust.

August 15 marked the 40th anniversary of the abolition of the gold standard. This withdrawal took place under the laws of the detective genre and has been a revolution not seen and appreciated by anyone, even theoretical economists. The nature of money has changed forever. Previously, they were backed by gold, now - just a fleeting thing, as the credibility of the governments that issued them. This was the long-term consequences, and ultimately it gave birth to 1971 2007-D - a modern epic of the world economic crisis.

As General de Gaulle defeated America

In 1965, General Charles de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, arrived in the United States and a meeting with U.S. President Lyndon Johnson announced that he intends to exchange the 1.5 billion paper dollars for gold at the official exchange rate of $ 35 per ounce. Johnson reported that the French ship, laden with dollars in New York harbor and the airport with the same cargo on board the aircraft landed at the French. Johnson promised the French president in serious trouble. De Gaulle announced in response to the evacuation of French territory of NATO headquarters, 29 military bases in NATO and the U.S. and the withdrawal of 33 thousand military alliance.

It was eventually done both.

France for 2 consecutive years managed to buy out the U.S. for more than 3 tons of gold in exchange for dollars. On the other hand, de Gaulle was hard won presidential elections in 1965 in the second round. And February 21, 1966 France withdrew from NATO's military organization.
And in 1968 in Paris, are cropping up massive natural disturbances, de Gaulle himself said that France was on the verge of civil war. And some people still believe that the unrest was provoked by the CIA. Whatever it was, they eventually led to the resignation of de Gaulle in 1969.

What happened to the dollar and gold?

De Gaulle said to be very impressed by one anecdote, told him former finance minister in the government of Clemenceau. At auction for paintings by Raphael offers Arab oil and Russian - gold, and gets a pack of American bills and buys it for 10 thousand dollars. In response to the puzzling question of de Gaulle, the minister he explains that the Americans bought the painting for just $ 3, because cost per 100-dollar bill is 3 cents. De Gaulle clearly and completely believed in the gold and only gold. In 1960, shortly after he became president, he announced the move in France to the gold standard in international trade. True, in fact, Nitscheon did not, and France has accumulated more than $ 5 billion of trade surplus. And in 1965, de Gaulle finally decided that the papers he did not need.

And then there was the so-called Bretton Woods system in which all currencies are exchanged for dollars and dollars - in gold. It was adopted in 1944 and was a necessary measure: the Allies had no gold and the U.S. had accumulated 70% of world gold reserves (excluding the USSR). Therefore, the creation of a monetary system was quite logical.

Why the U.S. has accumulated gold? Two sources. This was primarily the result of the "great gold robbery" of 1933. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, speaking from his inaugural speech on March 5, announced a new anti-crisis measures. Among other things, all U.S. citizens should have to hand over the gold to the state, free circulation of gold and banned for possession of them was appointed a prison term of 10 years. The state buys the citizens of gold at the old price, $ 20.67 per troy ounce, and immediately proclaimed that the new price of an ounce of gold $ 35, almost 70% more (though, to buy gold at that price in State still no one could). The second source of the gold reserve gold was at war in Europe in exchange for food and weapons.

The dollar is the de facto world currency, and the Bretton Woods system just cemented that fact. However, it was laid built mine, which exploded was only a matter of time.

Realized it was only in the early 60s. It was then that Professor Robert Triffin formulated his famous paradox: in order to ensure that central banks need dollars for the formation of the national foreign exchange reserves, it is necessary to constantly observed in the U.S. balance of payments deficit (other than U.S. dollars will transfer to other countries?). But the balance of payments deficit undermines confidence in the dollar and reduces its value as a reserve asset.

This is exactly what happened has been particularly active in the late 50's and 60's. The price of gold on the open market (outside the U.S., of course) began to grow. In 1960 it reached $ 40 per troy ounce. And it became clear that it is necessary to take some action. Then went to the U.S. on a simple way - to sell gold on the market to bring down the price on it. In 1961, central banks from nine countries established the London gold pool, which started the massive intervention of gold on the open market.

But de Gaulle (probably remembering anecdote) understand in whose interests these interventions, and soon decided to withdraw from the gold pool (why spend your gold to support the dollar?), And announced a policy of dedollarization France, calling it his "economic Austerlitz" . De Gaulle's actions were pebblesohm, which tore the avalanche.

The next was the German Chancellor, author of "German economic miracle" and a staunch monetarist Ludwig Erhard. Publicly condemned de Gaulle for the "treachery", he quietly showed the U.S. to exchange dollars for gold amount, much more than France. Behind them stretched the central banks of Canada and Japan. The British, who could not support a currency attack on the dollar, did simpler - devalued the pound sterling. But it caused a high demand for gold in London by private investors. Implicit in the Bretton Woods agreement bomb exploded.

U.S. is 60 years hard-pressed on gold prices, gold tried interventions and policy measures to contain exchange dollars for gold. U.S. gold reserves declined during the years 1949-1971 more than half - from 20 to 8000 tons. Case is still complicated by the fact that in 1933 people donate to the Treasury of gold in coins. And for the rigidity of coins (gold - a very soft metal) they mingled with 10% copper. And much of the gold reserves after the U.S. meltdown would be, respectively, have a sample of 0.9. And for the exchange of gold had to give the breakdown of .999. And, according to some sources, the gold of such a sample in 1971 just ended. However, no one knows this for sure: Fort Knox (Storage USA's gold reserves), no one ever seriously with checking was allowed.

There was a simple way for the U.S. - the dollar devaluation or, equivalently, increasing the price of gold. It is suggested that many famous economists, Keynesians, such as Paul Samuelson. In principle, it was anticipated step. But there was a completely unexpected to the world. President Richard Nixon listened to the "father of monetarism," Milton Friedman and simply abolished exchange dollars for gold.

August 15, 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon, nicknamed the "dodger Dick," said the "gold window" is closed. With these words he indicated actually defaulted America and the unilateral U.S. withdrawal from the Bretton Woods agreements.

U.S. President in his speech, then asked, "Now tell me who benefits from these crises?" And he answered his own rhetorical question: "Do not work, not an investor, not a true producer of wealth. Win, international currency speculators." Funny demagoguery: it formally to exchange dollars for gold in the treasury of the United States could only other state and any private individuals or investors. So what General de Gaulle, no doubt, be called the first of a new era currency speculator who made a successful attack against the U.S. dollar.

The victory was a Pyrrhic one of de Gaulle. He lost his job. A place of gold in the world monetary system took a dollar. Just a dollar. Without the gold content.

Monetary systemsma, based on trust

Economic theory is quite easy survived this quite a revolutionary change, almost without noticing it. Especially ensure that the abolition of dollars in gold occurred 40 years earlier - in 1933.

The final suspension of the gold standard in terms of traditional economic theory looks as if people suddenly began to fly against the laws of gravity (though at first low and close).

Money has always been the gold (silver, etc.), have always been kind of a commodity of equal value in exchange, and suddenly nothing - worthless piece of paper or electronic record in the accounts. Now they are available only through trust, responsibility of governments, which produce them.

Release too much - you will receive inflation and devaluation. It is this last 40 years, is the only limit money creation.

But the revolution of money has remained virtually unnoticed economics. Why? Because, at first glance, it almost did not matter in economic life. Dramatically changed the point. Outwardly, nothing had changed. U.S. citizens still could not own gold (until the end of the 70s). All currencies are exchanged at each other, as before. Yes, it is now impossible to drive vehicles in the U.S. for the gold, that's all. It's even easier.

Relativity theory of money

Officially, the birth date of the currency market in the modern sense - August 15, 1971. The countries agreed to shake their currencies within narrow limits with respect to each other, then the limits have increased, there were the concept of "monetary snake", then "monetary snake in the hallway," optimum currency areas, etc. Finally generally abandoned the idea of ​​mutual regulation of rates - exchange rates were free floating. True, Europe is through these difficult concepts moved yet to a single currency.

But the main thing is that now the currency fluctuate against each other - so as to evaluate - they fall together or grow? Directly is impossible: everything was relative. This kind of relativity theory of money. From knowing that the dollar was worth in 1971, 41 British pence, and now - 65, we can not draw any conclusions about the dollar rise or fall in general - only against the pound. After all, they, along with a pound and could fly up and down. Now, once you could not tell.

I have no money now no absolute measuring only relative - the exchange rates. And it's so insecure ...

Well, try to evaluate indirectly, what happened to the money in the last 40 years.

First of all, inflation. 1 dollar equals 5.57 in 1971 dollars of 2011. Money dropped 5.5 times? No. This is an estimate only of the consumer market. Since 70-ies, inflation has become a very unequalomerno distributed to different markets. Thus, in the 70s were soaring consumer prices under pressure of costs - energy prices. And the wildly growing gold, playing for the stagnation of the 60s at the time of the London Gold Pool. Over the decade, gold has increased by 20 times. In the 80's managed to rein in consumer inflation, but pulled the stock market, which are 70 years stood on the site. For 20 years, in 80-90s, it grew by 10 times. Then there was a collapse of the dotcom and stock market fell a few years. But in the 90 - zero abruptly pulled the real estate market. And nulevyeego actively supported the commodity futures market and other derivative securities.

Here are the results of the fortieth anniversary without a gold standard.

- Consumer prices rose in the U.S. by 5.5 times. By the way, for the previous 40 years (1931-1971), inflation was twice lower - 2.7 times.

- Stocks rose at the peak of 14 times, judging by the Dow-Jones. Even more fascinating growth in turnover of the stock market. By Dow Jones, he grew up at the peak of more than 500 times.

- Real estate: the median price of new homes in the U.S. at the peak (early 2006) has grown by 10 times. With sales growth in half.

- The market of derivatives has grown from zero to $ 680 trillion. annual turnover (that's 10 annual GDP of the world!). The prices of these securities staged a rally in this years zero for commodities - oil, metals, food. These prices were rising at times to 1.5-2 times a year.

- Finally, gold. Its price rose over 40 years by 50 times. Over the previous 38 years prior to 1971 the price of gold has not changed, even though in those years had the Great Depression, the most devastating world war, destruction, and postwar reconstruction boom.

Here is another indirect estimate. The amount of money in circulation in the United States has grown for four decades, 15 times during the growth of U.S. GDP in only three times - five times ahead. And it is only about monetary aggregate M2, only the Inter-turn. Data for M3, which include dollars, walking around the world for some time in the United States no longer published. And yet we must remember that with the advent of the internet speed calculations, and therefore the circulation of money has increased dramatically and effectively advance the money on the real product is much greater than 5 times ...

It is clear that although exchange rates were changed not so much from each other, it conceals the real fact of the rapid depreciation of money. Only a smaller part of this impairment was reflected in consumer price inflation, much more - to asset inflation.

If in 1933 you zanykali a $ 100 piece of paper, then in 1971 you would have received for it about $ 40. And if about the same amount of 100-gram gold bar (and do not put in prison) - we would have all the same $ 100. Not bad? But this is utter nonsense, compared with thosewhat happened then. Now you would have received, respectively, $ 6 or $ 5000. Feel the difference: not in 2.5, and nearly 1,000 times. Now it is clear that such a suspension of the gold standard?

Global changes caused by the abolition of the gold standard

Over the past 40 years many of the world economic and political issues have changed their content to the opposite, in many respects due to changes in the nature of money.

Previously it was thought that inflation - it's definitely bad. It's funny that most of the inflation is now seen as a positive factor. This inflation of assets. Indeed, it's just great that increases the value of my home and shares that I own ... although it is only inflation.

Previously it was thought that capitalism can not live only on the basis of the capture of markets (which is why imperialism was considered by Marxists highest stage of capitalism). Now, developed countries give the markets, even give their own markets for products of developing countries that are actively expanding export based on undervalued their currencies.

Previously, the budget deficit was considered abnormal, and it was a common balance. The deficit was considered valid only during the war. Now the national debt in 60-100% of annual GDP - a common occurrence, but a balanced budget seems to some incident, an artifact. National debt is now limited only by the ability of the country to serve it (to pay interest and refinance).

Debts in the world today do not realize, and refinance. The largest domestic debt is no longer the poor, namely, in the richest countries - Japan, USA, Europe ... The crisis that began in 2007, has only led to further sharp rise of budget deficits and national debt. And debt crises (when it is not enough money for their services), such as in Greece.

I used to have a debt crisis of external debt of developing countries - a crisis from which no one could see the exit. Now, developing countries - the richest holders of international reserves. Debtors are now becoming just the developed countries, and in the currency in which they themselves and emit.

Earlier was growing differentiation of countries: rich countries become richer, the poor - poorer. Now, on the contrary, there is alignment: developing countries are growing their economies and increase the standard of living of its citizens is 2-3 times faster than the developed countries.

Previously, developing countries were mere pawns in a chess game between the two superpowers. Now it is the developing countries and the phenomena they generate (eg, terrorism) to explain the international politics of superpowers.

The list goes on, but it is clear that there were principledchanges in the functioning of the economic system, traditionally called capitalism. Changes, exchanging vectors of global development. And it happened just on the basis of all the changes being money. From an end in itself of the goods they have turned into something immaterial, in the ephemeral, not measured directly, they have turned into a pure trust in economic policy, their emitting.

As soon as money became a trust, the issuers of money needed this resource - the trust of its citizens and the rest of the world. And it changed everything.

And the word "trust" is used here in a broad sense, as the credibility of the state as a whole, not only in terms of predictability of exchange rates or inflation. When the central bank of any country starts to think that all it's only his politics, because that's what it emits the national currency, sharply increases the fragility of the whole economic system and economic problems at the slightest expectation of business and people can change in a matter of days.

As 1971 gave rise to 2007-th

With the abolition of the gold standard all the recipes and the theory of economic policy remain unchanged. True, the mainstream instead of Keynesian monetarism has become, which is very symbolic. But that's just one problem - the gold standard built-in controls now stopped working. The mechanism of restoring the balance after the boom was not clear - you can now move away from an equilibrium situation is much more than the gold standard. And most importantly, there is not any built-in controls, but the mood of the market that we have a much greater amplitude of economic fluctuations.

Why inflation of consumer goods and services went to the assets? It's easy. Mortgage (mortgage loan), and margin lending for stock futures and stock markets (with a huge shoulder when you need 1 to 5-7% of their own money) - these mechanisms are predetermined tremendous asset inflation in the modern economy. The integration of these markets as a result of financial engineering zero years (based on the conversion of mortgages into securities) determined the sharp jump in inflation of assets. And there is no constraint of the credit issue (the stock of gold or dollars) to be found. It goes on and on ... Stop it could only central bank U.S. - Fed. But he was in the euphoria of not having any constraints such as exchange dollars for gold and reserves of Fort Knox.

Actually increased from 2007 in 1971: the global economic crisis in a way made possible only after the abolition of the gold standard and is the first major crisis of a new era - the era of monetary systems based on trust.

It was the first since 1971yes were possible violent inflation of assets, the accumulation of huge national debts and imbalances in global trade. A financial engineering allowed the smooth local crises and to postpone the problem until they joined together in a crisis, which can not cope now 4 years old.

четверг, 18 августа 2011 г.

Since Lukashenko something happened. He must go - Gorbachev

Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said that President Alexander Lukashenko should step down as president.

"He's almost 20 years there in charge, so of course the changes are necessary," - said Gorbachev at a press conference.

Former Soviet leader said that has always supported and defended by Lukashenko, who opposed the Belovezh agreements. And now, "acting like a bull in a china shop."

"I know its a long time, but now something has happened to him" - suggested Gorbachev, noting that "you can be confident but not cocky." "So much so, that he took the hand (the son Kolya) and preparing their successors, as though we have there the kingdom of Belarus" - said Gorbachev.

He advised Lukashenko to reform, warning that it may lose its support not only in Russia but also in Belarus. "How he entered after the election, I do not share, and it is necessary to know - Gorbachev said. - It is unlikely that they will now for Lukashenko. We must now corrected itself."

среда, 17 августа 2011 г.

U.S. bombed Iraq

U.S. Air Force carried out two air strikes in June in Iraq. This was August 17 Lenta.Ru reports quoting the press-secretary of the U.S. armed forces in Iraq Jeffrey Buchanan.

As the agency recognized Buchanan - this is the first time in many years is evidence that the Americans inflict strikes on Iraq. The target of a bombing terrorist groups have become "team promised the day", which is supported by Iran. According to Buchanan, the militants fired missiles at a U.S. base in Basra, so the U.S. military has been forced to take action. "We had a group of helicopters Apache, - said at a briefing Byukenen with reporters. - Pilots found the man who launched the rocket, opened fire and killed him."

Buchanan said that the Americans acted in self defense. He also acknowledged that the Iraqi military in operations not involved.

In a second airstrike killed two U.S. Air Force fighters, who were preparing to blow up the bomb on the route of American troops.

According to the Pentagon in June 2011, U.S. forces in Iraq suffered the heaviest losses over the past two years: 15 military personnel were killed and 20 injured. In this regard, in the middle of the month, when the increased activity of the militants had already become apparent, Defense Minister Leon Panetta said that the U.S. is prepared to protect its citizens in its sole discretion.

Current agreements the U.S. and Iraq suggest that up to the end of 2011 the last 46 000 U.S. troops leave Arab countries. In this case, however, is considered and a variant in which some troops would remain in Iraq.

вторник, 16 августа 2011 г.

Syrian ships shelled Palestinian refugee camp

The result of bloody battles in the port of Latakia Syrian city has fled the Palestinian refugee camp inhabitants, located in the vicinity.

During the shelling and fighting in Latakia were killed in the last 29 days. Tens of thousands of people in a panic to leave the combat zone.

The representative of the UN Agencies for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Christian Gunn said: "The Latakia is a large Palestinian refugee camp Ramel. It lived 10 thousand people. Now more than 5000 ran."

Gunnar said: "We have to get there and the place to find out what the hell is going on there. According to my information, the camp is surrounded by his Syrian shelling from the sea, warships, and on the land - the Syrian tanks."

According to the official Syrian version, the reported shelling of Latakia from the sea - "completely false" and the navy ships involved in that are caught in the port of smugglers.

понедельник, 15 августа 2011 г.

Libyan rebels entered the key cities near Tripoli

Libyan rebels entered the two cities on the outskirts of Tripoli. Muammar al-Gaddafi, speaking on television, urged his supporters to "prepare for battle."

According to reports, the fights are in Zawiyah, 50 kilometers west of Tripoli, and in Garian, 80 kilometers south of the Libyan capital. If these two strategic points will be in the hands of insurgents, the capital of Libya will be in the environment, despite the fact that NATO forces are blocking access to Tripoli by sea.

A government spokesman Colonel Gaddafi said that Garian Zawiya and are fully controlled by government forces.

Speech by Muammar Gaddafi on Monday night - this is the first of its appeal since the forces of the National Transitional Council launched an attack on Libya Tripoli suburb. "Move forward, attack, take arms and go into battle to free Libya centimeter by centimeter from the traitors and NATO" - said Gaddafi. This speech - without the television picture, only sound is not very good quality - was, according to the National Libyan TV, broadcast live on television.

Reuters and reported meeting between Colonel Qaddafi, the insurgency in neutral territory - in the Tunisian city of Djerba, but the information is not confirmed.

Foreign correspondents reported from zawiya that the city continued clashes between rebels and government troops. On Sunday, the rebels raised their flag over the central market, but the city still hear explosions and gunfire. The rebels claim that soldiers loyal to Colonel Qaddafi, fired at them from rooftops.

City Zawiya is on the main road between Tripoli and the border with Tunisia. The town is also an oil refinery, which supplies fuel to government forces. At the beginning of the uprising against the rule Gaddafi Zawiya in the hands of the rebels, but after the tank forces Gaddafi city back under control of Tripoli.

According to reports, the city Gahnia, south of Tripoli, are in heavy fighting. Agency "Reuters" reports that the town is smoke. The rebels say that 70% of the occupied city.

воскресенье, 14 августа 2011 г.

U.S. asks Russia not to arm Syria

U.S. Secretary of State called on Russia to stop arms shipments to Syria, and other countries - to support U.S. sanctions against the regime of Bashar Assad. In an interview with CBS television on Thursday, she said the need for universal international influence on Damascus.

"It is important that this was not the only American voice that we want these voices heard around the world," - Clinton said. At the same time, she said, America "wants to see results, not rhetoric", reports "Interfax". "We would like China to cooperate with us. We would like to see that Russia has stopped selling weapons to the Assad regime," - she said. "We want to see India, because India and China have carried out large energy investments in Syria," - said the head of American diplomacy.

According to her, China, Russia, India and European countries through their actions could significantly increase the pressure on the Syrian authorities. Clinton explained that the U.S. did not directly urge Assad to resign due to the fact that other countries have not adequately express the willingness to take action to put pressure on the regime. America so far is limited to hints - administration officials have repeatedly stated that "Syria would have been better without Assad."

Head of the State Department noted that in recent months, the United States organized pressure on Assad and his entourage. "Both the Russian and Chinese joined our presidential statement after they said they would never do anything to convict the Assad regime," - Clinton added.

суббота, 13 августа 2011 г.

The victim in the Ministry of Defence of Estonia was an activist Karen Drambyan Russian community

Media reported that 57-year-old Karen Drambyana who opened fire in the building of the Ministry of Defence of Estonia, had financial problems, and he actively campaigned against discrimination against Russian-speaking population, according to RIA "Novosti".

Drambyan was an active member of the United Left Party of Estonia (OLPE), which expresses the interests of the Russian community.

"I was with him, Zach is not very good, but I know that he had financial problems. He could not pay the lease for a broken car and the bank put it flat on a forced sale. It is possible that these problems could push him to this act," - odnopartiets Drambyana said, asking not to say his name.

According to him, the drama could also have a political component. Drambyan actively spoke at meetings of the Russian community from criticizing the Estonian government, believing that the Russian-speaking population of Estonia has been discriminated against.

"He's just gone to the Defense Ministry, perhaps to meet personally with the Minister Mart Laar, who is considered one of the ideologists of the discriminatory policies of the Russian-speaking population," - said the member OLPE.

Drambyan was divorced, his daughter lives in Spain, the son died after falling off a cliff in a car. Drambyan was a lawyer by profession (he graduated from the Kaliningrad State University). In 2007 he took part in the elections in the ranks of the Constitutional Party, in 2009, put forward his candidacy in the City Assembly of Maardu (a suburb of Tallinn), but has not received the required number of votes. Criminally responsible was not involved.

About three o'clock in the afternoon on August 11 in Estonia, the police reported the capture of the Ministry of Defence. According to police, a man entered the building of the Ministry of Defence, fired several shots and detonated firecrackers.

Initially it was reported that the offender was captured, and then there were official reports that the gunman killed himself, and even later.

Once in Estonia established the identity of a person who has arranged the shooting at the Ministry of Defence, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has compared it with the Norwegian marksman Anders Breivik.

пятница, 12 августа 2011 г.

Washington urged Russia not to sell arms to Syria

U.S. Secretary of State called on Russia to stop arms deliveries regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

"We would like to see that Russia has stopped selling weapons to the Assad regime," - said in an interview with Secretary of State broadcasting company CBS.

She noted the importance of universal international impact on Syria. "It is important that this was not the only American voice that we want these voices heard all over the world", - underlined the diplomat.

Earlier it was reported that the United States is prepared to call Syrian President Bashar Assad to leave his post. The corresponding statement will be made in the next few days after U.S. diplomats to discuss it with representatives of the countries - members of the UN Security Council.

Earlier, UN Secretary-General called on Syrian authorities to immediately halt the use of military force against civilians. In turn, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia recalled their ambassadors from Damascus. EU led sanctions against a number of Syrian leaders, including President. Mentioned in the sanctions list persons banned from entering EU territory, and their financial assets in Europe frozen.

In Syria, over the past four months, there were mass demonstrations to demand for major reforms and the resignation of President Bashar Assad.

The protests began in mid-March in Dera'a in the south, and then spread to other regions. According to recent reports of Syrian human rights defenders, in this time of clashes with security forces killed more than 1.6 thousand people, almost 3tysyachi people were missing.

According to official figures, with the events of the actions of "armed terrorist elements," in which the Syrian authorities have blamed for the violence in the country, killing 340 soldiers and security forces.

четверг, 11 августа 2011 г.

In the UK, 880 participants were arrested in riot

In the UK, arrested 880 members of street riots in London and other cities.

Only in the British capital was found guilty of disturbing public order 371 people. The youngest defendant in the trial was 11-year-old boy.

In Birmingham, was arrested suspected of involvement in the deaths of three people who were hit by a car while trying to protect their property from vandals.

Last night in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, passed relatively quietly.

Today will be an extraordinary meeting of the government and parliament, and an interrupted vacation because of the growing wave of riots in the country.

The riots began in the London area Totenhem last Saturday after a shootout with police in a local resident was killed.

The Libyan government British Prime Minister calls to resign

The Libyan government urges Prime Minister David Cameron to resign, claiming that his actions were "lost legitimacy" after the riots that swept the UK in recent days.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Libya Khaled Qaim said the following: "Cameron and his government must go, because in their country have been popular protests against the authorities and police to suppress these peaceful protests."

Earlier, leaders of many Western countries, including Britain, have repeatedly used roughly the same language, when called on Muammar Qaddafi to give up power in connection with the passing of his country's opposition protests.

NATO destroyed a Soviet frigate off the coast of Libya

Effects of armed conflict between NATO and indirectly affected by Libya and Russia. On Wednesday night in Tripoli missile air strike destroyed the frigate "Al-Gardabiya", built in the Soviet Union for a friendly Libya. NATO claims that the ship was damaged long ago.

The representative of the naval command of NATO in Naples, Giovanni Malafronte told "Izvestiya" that the frigate was immobilized in the harbor of Tripoli has on May 20. However, aerial reconnaissance showed that the Libyans were trying to use the weapons against the frigate NATO forces - apparently anti-aircraft missile system "Osa". Then decided to destroy the frigate.

- Libyans began to take off from the frigate heavy weapons - probably in order to use it on other courts, and perhaps on the ground. It was decided to put the frigate on another missile attack from the air that was done. Now, according to surveys, the state of the ship is assessed as severe - said Malafronte.

According to him, the ship still afloat, but all the weapons it destroyed and can not be used.

At the headquarters of the Russian navy refused to comment on the actions of NATO forces in Libya, saying only that the ships, like "Al-Gardabiya" in the Russian fleet is no longer - the latter derived from the Navy in the late 1980s.

Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Captain First Rank Konstantin Sivkov also confirmed that the Libyan frigate - a ship is too weak to destroy evidence of his superiority of Western weapons over Soviet.

- No violation of parity there - said Sivkov.

Frigate project in 1159 of "Horses" by NATO classification was created in the USSR in the 1960s specifically for export to the Moscow-friendly country. We built them at Zelenodolsk shipyard, which now produce frigates for Vietnam.

"Horses" has a displacement of 1700 tons Crew 110. Endurance 10 days. Frigate applies to ships of third rank. In the USSR they would have commanded an officer with the rank of Captain 3rd rank, which corresponds to the onshore rank of "Major."

The composition of the frigate weapons included a 76-millimeter artillery unit, anti-aircraft defense missile system "Osa", as well as reactive bombometnaya installation RBU-6000 for defense against submarines and naval commandos enemy.

- The difference between this ship from those that went by the Soviet Navy, primarily in the layout of the interior. By modern standards it is very weak and ineffective militarily ship. In a good long time it must be attributed to the scrap, - said in an interview to "News," the former Navy Admiral Igor zamglavkoma Kasatonov.